How to enter

How to enter

How to enter

Please complete the entry application form and submit online by February 7, 2025 (Friday).



Register with your contact details


Select your categories


Complete the application forms


Submit your entry

Guidelines & Criteria – FX Markets Asia Awards 2024

Methodology: The awards will be decided by a panel of judges, selected and supported by the FX Markets editorial team. The panel includes senior FX trading, operations and technology professionals. 

How to enter: Entries must answer the below questions:


Questions for the country and region categories

  • What have been your three biggest successes in [country/region] over the past 12 months? (max 500 words)
  • What differentiates you from other providers in providing access to liquidity in [country/region]? (max 500 words)
  • How has your product/service changed over the past 12 months and why? (max 500 words)
  • What solutions have you provided to local clients for their global FX hedging needs? (max 500 words)

Questions for the liquidity provision categories:

  • What have been your three biggest successes in providing [market] liquidity in Asia over the past 12 months? (max 500 words) – THIS QUESTION ONLY FOR SPOT/SWAPS/NDF/OPTIONS
  • What have been your three biggest successes in providing FX structuring solutions in Asia over the past 12 months? (max 500 words) – THIS QUESTION ONLY FOR STRUCTURING HOUSE
  • What have been your three biggest successes in providing liquidity to [client type] in Asia over the past 12 months? (max 500 words) – THIS QUESTION ONLY FOR BANKS/INSTITUTIONAL
  • What have been your three biggest successes in providing prime brokerage solutions in Asia over the past 12 months? (max 500 words) – THIS QUESTION ONLY FOR FX PRIME BROKER
  • How does your liquidity provision service to clients in Asia differ to other providers? (max 500 words)
  • How has your product/service changed over the past 12 months and why? (max 500 words)

Questions for the buy-side categories:

  • What changes have you made to your FX [hedging/execution/investment] strategy over the past 12 months? (max 500 words)
  • What results has this generated for your firm? (max 500 words)
  • How does your strategy differ to other buy-side firms? (max 500 words)

Questions for the platform, trading venues and FX services categories

  • What have been your three biggest successes in Asia over the past 12 months? (max 500 words)
  • What differentiates your service in Asia? (max 500 words)
  • How has your product/service changed over the past 12 months? (max 500 words)

Entries should also seek to support their claims with client names, numbers, or testimony. This is not compulsory, but judges often give greater weight to entries that contain this information. Candidates are free to submit additional material in support of their entries - presentations, product brochures, technical specifications, white papers etc.

Who can enter?

Each category relates to a broad industry need. Any firm with a product or service that attempts to meet that need is eligible to enter.

We deliberately do not provide tight eligibility criteria, or seek to use existing vendor market segments.

In some cases, judges may decide a particular nominee is better suited for a category other than the one that was originally entered. Judges may move entries from one category to another at their discretion and entrants will be made aware of this.