FX Markets Europe
Benchmark with more than 100 senior FX leaders from Europe's leading banks, buy-side firms, regulators and service providers.

FX Markets Europe
Save the date for November 13, 2025
The hottest topics, the most influential speakers
An exclusive insight into the issues that are most pressing for FX traders
Following the success of our e-FX Forum event in London this July, which highlighted our commitment to connecting professionals in the FX industry, FX Markets Europe promises to be even bigger and better. Expect more sessions, enhanced networking opportunities, and even more excellent speakers. Join industry leaders this December to explore how the FX market is evolving amidst geopolitical volatility and digital currency trends.
Wrap up the year with FX Markets and get ready for what 2025 has in store.
Additionally as part of our partnership with ACI, all registrants will receive access to a free trial for an ACI membership.
Speaker highlights

Philippe Lintern
Head of Foreign Exchange Division
Bank of England
Philippe Lintern is the Head of the Foreign Exchange Division at the Bank of England, which manages foreign exchange reserves for the Bank and the UK government. He represents the Bank on the FXJSC and GFXC committee. Prior to joining the Bank, Philippe spent more than 20 years working in the FX industry.

Roel Oomen
Head of the Quantitative R&D Lab for Sales and Trading
Deutsche Bank
Roel is the head of the Quantitative R&D Lab for sales and trading at Deutsche Bank. He started his industry career as a quant in electronic cash equity trading in 2006, and subsequently held various roles in electronic FX spot trading, including co-head of the business, and then ran FIC electronic trading. Roel holds a PhD in econometrics, is an honorary visiting professor in department of mathematics at Imperial College London, and has published widely on the econometric analysis of high frequency data and OTC trading.

Toby Baker
Global Head of Foreign Exchange
T.Rowe Price Group
Toby Baker is the Global head of Foreign Exchange Trading in the Fixed Income Trading department. Toby is a vice president of T. Rowe Price Group, Inc., and T. Rowe Price International Ltd.
Since leaving school in 1987, my work life experience started with an administrative role at the London Stock exchange and then transitioned to a settlement’s role at Framlington Unit Management. My trading experience began in 1995 and have been with T. Rowe Price since 2001. Prior to this, I was employed by Daiwa SB Asset Management and JP Morgan Chase Fleming Asset Management as a foreign exchange dealer.

Arnab Das
Global Economic Counsellor & Global Macro Strategist
Arnab Das joined Invesco in London in 2015 as head of EMEA and EM macro research and has been global macro strategist, EMEA since 2018, engaging on economics, policy and markets with institutional and official investors, governments, the IMF and other official institutions, as well as Invesco investment teams. Arnab has 30 years of investment industry experience, including co-head of economic research and strategy, Roubini Global Economics (2009-2013); co-head, global economics and strategy, head of FX strategy and head of EM research, Dresdner Kleinwort (2001-09); head of EMEA EM research and senior EM strategist, JP Morgan (1992-2001). He has provided policy advice and views on economics, markets, communication, sovereign risk and ratings to policymakers in Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Russia, Turkey, South Africa, India, Indonesia, South Korea, governments affected by the Eurozone crisis, the IMF and the US Treasury. Arnab studied at Princeton (AB) and LSE (PhD). His research interests include economics, economic and financial history, geopolitics and geo-economics.

Brigitte Le Bris
Head of Global Fixed Income and FX
Ostrum Asset Management
Brigitte Le Bris began her career at Credit Lyonnais London in 1986, before becoming a trader in 1987 and subsequently joining Banque Bruxelles Lambert (now ING) in 1989. In 1993, she joined CDC Asset Management where she successively held a senior money market, euro fixed income and international fixed income portfolio management positions. In 2000, she joined Société Générale Asset Management (now Amundi) where she became Head of Currency and Global Fixed Income in 2003, and successfully developed Global Sovereign, Global Aggregate, Currency Absolute Return and Multi-strategy strategies.
Brigitte joined Ostrum Asset Management (formerly Natixis AM) in late 2010 as Head of Global Fixed Income and Currencies: one of her duty being to start the EM franchise. In the last years, she also covered Euro and global sovereign as well as Inflation expertise before now focusing mainly on EM and Total Return.
Education and degrees.
Brigitte Le Bris post graduated as a civil engineer from the ESTP (Ecole Speciale des Travaux Publics). She also holds a Master's degree in Corporate Finance from the University of Paris Pantheon Sorbonne.
Attending companies

Close Brothers Premium Finance is the UK’s longest established premium finance provider; at the forefront when it comes to innovation, technology and service for brokers, we provide more than 2.4 million businesses and individuals with an alternative to lump-sum insurance payments.
We offer simple and convenient monthly payments that suit customers’ needs, enabling commercial customers to free-up capital to use elsewhere and individuals to have more control of their finances.
By offering the broadest range of products in the market, our premium finance solution helps brokers to manage their businesses more efficiently, with quicker collection, reduced credit control and improved cash flow.
Working in partnership, we can help brokers grow their businesses; providing a second income stream with regular incoming payments.
Embedding our core values of service, expertise and relationships has led to £900m of premiums migrating to us over the last three years.
Email us: workwithus@closebrothers.com
Find us: www.closebrotherspf.com

Societe Generale Societe Generale is one of the leading European financial services groups. Based on a diversified and integrated banking model, the Group combines financial strength and proven expertise in innovation with a strategy of sustainable growth. Committed to the positive transformations of the world’s societies and economies, Societe Generale and its teams seek to build, day after day, together with its clients, a better and sustainable future through responsible and innovative financial solutions. Active in the real economy for over 150 years, with a solid position in Europe and connected to the rest of the world, Societe Generale has over 138,000 members of staff in 62 countries and supports on a daily basis 29 million individual clients, businesses and institutional investors around the world by offering a wide range of advisory services and tailored financial solutions. The Group is built on three complementary core businesses:
▪ French Retail Banking which encompasses the Societe Generale, Crédit du Nord and Boursorama brands. Each offers a full range of financial services with omnichannel products at the cutting edge of digital innovation;
▪ International Retail Banking, Insurance and Financial Services to Corporates, with networks in Africa, Russia, Central and Eastern Europe and specialised businesses that are leaders in their markets;
▪ Global Banking and Investor Solutions, which offers recognised expertise, key international locations and integrated solutions. Societe Generale is included in the principal socially responsible investment indices: DJSI (World and Europe), FTSE4Good (Global and Europe), Euronext Vigeo (World, Europe and Eurozone), four of the STOXX ESG Leaders indices, and the MSCI Low Carbon Leaders Index.
For more information, you can follow us on Twitter @societegenerale or visit our website www.societegenerale.com.
BBH is a privately held financial institution that has been a thought leader and solutions provider for 200 years. The Firm serves businesses, institutions, individuals and families in its three business lines: Investor Services, Investment Management, and Private Banking. BBH's Investor Services business provides cross-border custody, accounting, administration, execution and technology services to many of the world's leading asset managers and financial institutions.
BBH operates in eighteen locations, including New York, Boston, Beijing, Charlotte, Chicago, Denver, Dublin, Grand Cayman, Hong Kong, Kraków, London, Luxembourg, Nashville, New Jersey, Philadelphia, Tokyo, Wilmington, and Zürich.
BBH Hong Kong has been servicing Hong Kong based clients for nearly over 30 years. As a cross-border specialist with a strong focus on Greater China, BBH is a market leader in helping global asset managers access the region's growing capital pools, and Greater China managers looking to distribute their products globally.
BBH is an ETF specialist for US, European and Asian Domiciled products, and works with both experienced ETF managers and new, innovative market entrants to introduce and grow their ETF products.
For more information, please visit www.bbh.com.
BBH 是一家私人持有的金融機構, 200年來一直是創意及提供解決方案的領導者。本行於三個業務領域: 投資者服務、投資管理和私人銀行,為企業機構, 個人和家庭提供服務。BBH 的投資者服務業務為許多世界領先的資產管理公司和金融機構提供跨境託管、會計、管理、執行和技術服務。
BBH 在紐約、波士頓、北京、夏洛特、芝加哥、丹佛、都柏林、大開曼群島、香港、克拉科夫、倫敦、盧森堡、納什維爾、新澤西、費城、東京、威爾明頓和蘇黎世等18個地點開展業務。
BBH 香港以香港為基地的客戶提供服務已近30多年。作為專注於大中華區的跨境基金專家BBH在協助 環球資產管理公司進入該地區持續增長的資本池 及大中華區資產管理公司在全球分銷其產品一直處於市場領先地位。
BBH 是美國、歐洲和亞洲國內產品的 ETF 產品專家, 與經驗豐富的 ETF 經理和新的、創新的市場進入者合作, 介紹和發展他們的 ETF 產品。
欲瞭解更多資訊, 請訪問 www.bbh.com。
BBH(브라운 브라더즈 해리먼: Brown Brothers Harriman)는 민간 금융기관으로서 지난 200년 동안 꾸준히 선구자로서 솔루션을 제공해왔다. 주 업무는 투자자 서비스, 투자 관리 및 프라이빗 뱅킹 등 3가지 분야로 나눌 수 있으며 BBH의 투자자 서비스 부문은 국내외를 연계한 자산보관 관리, 회계, 유지관리 및 집행 서비스를 포함하고 있으며 세계 유수의 많은 자산 운용사와 금융기관을 대상으로 하고 있다.
BBH는 뉴욕, 보스톤, 베이징, 샤롯, 시카도, 덴버, 더블린, 그랜드 케이만, 홍콩, 크라코우, 런던, 룩셈부르그, 내쉬빌, 뉴저지, 필라델피아, 도쿄, 윌밍턴 및 취리히등 18개 지역에서 업무를 진행하고 있다. 보다 상세한 정보는 bbh.com웹사이트에서 확인 가능하다.
BBH 홍콩은 30년에 걸쳐 홍콩에 기반을 둔 클라이언트에게 서비스를 제공해왔으며 중국에 역점을 둔 해외 전문가로서 글로벌 자산 관리자들이 이 지역의 점증하는 자본에 좀더 쉽게 접근하도록 지원하는 동시에 중국의 자산 관리자들의 자사 금융상품 글로벌 시장 진출 업무도 지원해 주고 있다.
BBH는 미국, 유럽 및 아시아의 수감 제품에 대 한 ETF 전문가 이며, 경험 많은 ETF 관리자와 새롭고 혁신적인 시장 참가자 들이 ETF 제품을 소개 하 고 성장 시키기 위해 협력 하고 있다.
보다 상세한 정보는 www.bbh.com에서 확인 가능하다
BBHは、200年にわたり、ソートリーダー(”Thought Leader”)として、またソリューションプロバイダー(”Solution Provider”)として業界をリードしてきた独立系金融機関です。インベスター・サービス、インベストメント・マネージメント、プライベート・バンキングからなる3つの事業を展開しており、機関投資家やファミリーオフィス、個人のお客様へサービスを提供しています。
インベスター・サービス事業では、グローバルに展開する運用会社や金融機関のお客様へ、クロスボーダー・カストディ、ファンド計理・管理、テクノロジー・サービス等を提供しています。また、BBHは、世界の金融都市を含む18か所に拠点を有しています(ニューヨーク、ボストン、北京、シャーロット、シカゴ、デンバー、ダブリン、グランドケイマン、香港、クラクフ、ロンドン、ルクセンブルク、東京、ウィルミントン、チューリッヒ等)。※詳細はウェブサイトbbh.com をご確認ください。
詳細は、ウェブサイトをご確認ください。 www.bbh.com

We are a global energy business, involved in every aspect of the complex energy system that drives our world. Almost 75,000 BP people work day and night to serve millions of customers, delivering light, heat and mobility solutions. We track, trade and deliver the world’s energy in real time, at a scale that only a few organizations on earth can achieve, all while driving the transition to a lower carbon future.
Our global structured products team manages exposure to energy prices with innovation and flexibility. We have the expertise in energy price risk management, financial trading and physical markets to develop creative solutions tailored to your specific needs.

The Power of Partnership
We drive client success through an unwavering focus on investment excellence delivered on a robust global platform. This is backed by investments in cutting edge technology and product innovation. In this way, our clients receive a consistent, coordinated experience and are empowered with an extensive range of specialized capabilities, all delivered through one trusted global partner.
With a 75+ year tradition of closely held family ownership, we are among the world’s largest asset managers with offices in major financial markets, serving clients in more than 150 countries, and managing nearly $1.4 trillion in assets.
We’ve broadened our capabilities by attracting leading public and private market investment managers to our firm. We nurture and protect the investment independence of these managers while providing them access to capital, technology, risk management, and sustainability resources. Alongside our investment offering, we equip our clients with the tools, services, and knowledge necessary to actively plan for a better future.
Key discussion topics in 2024
Optimising liquidity management
Navigating FX volatility
Geopolitics and market dynamics
Adapting to regulation
Market structure impacts
Reshaping FX technologies
Remodelling FX markets

2024 Sponsors
CMC Connect provides multi-asset liquidity provision and tailored trading technology to a global institutional client base of banks, brokerages, funds and dealing desks. Our clients have access to multiple asset classes worldwide allowing them to seamlessly execute their chosen strategy and increase revenue potential. Our continuous innovation and investment in trading technology means that we are able to respond consistently to changing markets.
Founded in 2012, Tradepoint Systems provides foreign exchange trading technology and trade simulation and testing software to the financial services community. Our solutions are used globally by some of the world’s largest financial services institutions.
We build innovative, differentiating products and services that meet the nuanced requirements of our client’s businesses and satisfy the needs of their end-users, whether traders, managers, developers or support staff. We believe that by designing and building systems collaboratively with our clients, we’re able to combine our own broad experience in financial services technology with their intimate understanding of the day-to-day user experience.
Our team is made up of the principals and core technologists from Aegisoft, a technology vendor that pioneered FX aggregation and trade simulation tools in the early 2000s. We’ve worked together for over twenty years, building trading technology solutions.
LMAX Exchange, part of the LMAX Group, delivers efficient market structure and transparent, precise, consistent execution to all market participants, including funds, banks, proprietary trading firms, institutional brokers and asset managers.
Operating multiple global institutional FX exchanges, as a UK Financial Conduct Authority-regulated multilateral trading facility and Monetary Authority of Singapore-regulated recognised market operator, LMAX Exchange enables institutions worldwide to trade on a central limit order book with streaming, firm limit order liquidity from top-tier global banks and non-banks.
oneZero provides trading technology to the buy and sell-side. We offer turn-key solutions that enable you to focus on growing a sustainable business in today's dynamic and competitive marketplace. We offer award-winning modular solutions for liquidity aggregation, price formation, customised distribution, risk management and quantitative trading analytics. oneZero is certified to the standards of ISO 27001.
ACI UK is an independent association for UK professionals within the Foreign Exchange, Money Markets, and Crypto-Digital Asset markets, and part of the Global ACI Financial Markets Association. We are a community of professionals with the power to connect, provide a voice and help our members understand these dynamic market places.
Founded in the 1950s, the ACI UK has been an active association for over 70 years helping generations of practitioners navigate an evolving market.
Pico is a leading global provider of technology services for the financial markets community. Pico’s technology and services power mission-critical systems for global banks, exchanges, electronic trading firms, quantitative hedge funds, and financial technology service providers. Pico provides a best-in-class portfolio of innovative, transparent, low-latency markets solutions coupled with an agile and expert service delivery model. Instant access to financial markets is provided via PicoNet™, a globally comprehensive network platform instrumented natively with Corvil to generate analytics and telemetry. Clients choose Pico when they want the freedom to move fast and create an operational edge in the fast-paced world of financial markets.
As the world's leading derivatives marketplace, CME Group (www.cmegroup.com) enables clients to trade futures, options, cash and OTC markets, optimize portfolios, and analyze data – empowering market participants worldwide to efficiently manage risk and capture opportunities. CME Group exchanges offer the widest range of global benchmark products across all major asset classes based on interest rates, equity indexes, foreign exchange, energy, agricultural products and metals. The company offers futures and options on futures trading through the CME Globex® platform, fixed income trading via BrokerTec and foreign exchange trading on the EBS platform. In addition, it operates one of the world's leading central counterparty clearing providers, CME Clearing.
Fluent Trade Technologies' is a leading ISV in the eFX market, known for our ultra-low latency trading technology that drives smarter decisions across market data, pricing, risk, and transactions. For over a decade, we’ve partnered with diverse FX participants, delivering cutting-edge, scalable, and configurable solutions that enhance performance, client satisfaction, and profitability. Our open, modular platform combines innovation and expertise to add value across the entire trading lifecycle, supporting both high-frequency and traditional trading.
Company profile
Banks are enhancing their front office offering with FX Options and Structured Products to meet client demand and diversify revenue streams. smartTrade facilitates this shift by providing robust support for low-latency connectivity, trading, and distribution of FX products, enabling banks to efficiently manage and scale their front office trading operations.
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Sponsorship enquiries
Antony Chambers
Publisher, Risk.net/FX Markets/WatersTechnology

Speaker enquiries
Emily Martyr
Portfolio director, Risk.net and FX Markets events
EMAIL: emily.martyr@risk.net